BUG TYPES ARE ACTUALLY VERY BAD... - Pokemon Types Rated (Bug Type) Sly Scizor 0:59 3 years ago 278 Далее Скачать
What is the Best Bug Type Pokemon Competitively? WolfeyVGC 36:21 7 months ago 1 709 920 Далее Скачать
What is the WORST Possible Pokemon Type Combination? WolfeyVGC 17:09 3 years ago 1 448 281 Далее Скачать
Why Are People using Awful Bug Types?? #pokemon #shorts Skraw! VGC 0:59 2 months ago 306 432 Далее Скачать
Bug Type Pokémon in RBY (And why they're not the Worst) Big Yellow 24:49 2 years ago 431 174 Далее Скачать